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当前观察:Big fair generates intended deals worth over ¥10 b in 4 days

On June 30th, the media briefing for the 18th China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair (CISMEF) and the 2nd SME International Cooperation Summit kicked off in Guangzhou.


During the event, it was revealed that this year"s CISMEF witnessed high participation and a grand scale, with intended deals of over 10 billion yuan in direct procurement, financing, industrial chain collaboration, business cooperation, and investment.

The CISMEF featured over 3,600 exhibition booths and attracted more than 2,000 participating companies. Preliminary statistics indicate that over 100,000 people attended the offline exhibition for visits, negotiations, and purchases during the four working days of the event. Additionally, the online audience for the exhibition forums accumulated over 1.35 million viewers.

According to initial statistics, the exhibition featuring regional enterprises was attended by more than 400 "little giant" firms, and over 800 provincial-level niche-sector leaders with high market share and strong innovation capacity. The event also showcased nearly 40 single-item champion enterprises in the manufacturing industry, over 80 national demonstration platforms for public services to SMEs, nearly 50 national small and micro-sized enterprise entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases, more than 30 SME characteristic industrial clusters, presenting the latest products and services from SMEs nationwide and demonstrating their innovative capabilities and specialized expertise.

Throughout the expo, a series of significant achievements were made in terms of cooperation between domestic and foreign SMEs, businessmen, and investment and financing institutions. Preliminary figures indicate that the total intended deals for direct procurement, financing, industrial chain collaboration, business cooperation, and investment exceeded 10 billion yuan.

Notably, the cross-border matchmaking event attracted the participation of hundreds of companies from countries such as Vietnam and Singapore. Through online and offline matchmaking, the event facilitated intended business cooperation amounting to 700 million yuan and an intended credit facility for investment and financing totalling 300 million yuan.

The SME manufacturing matchmaking event between China and Africa was conducted through centralized contract signing and roadshows of international service agencies, resulting in more than ten investment plans, with a total intended investment exceeding 800 million yuan.

In six thematic sessions, including equipment manufacturing, electronic information, biopharmaceuticals and medical devices, food and agricultural products, new materials, and new energy and energy storage, intended deals worth approximately 65 million yuan were generated.

Vietnam-China (Guangdong) Investment and Trade Promotion Conference attracted nearly 100 Chinese SMEs from various regions to exchange cooperation plans with Vietnamese enterprises. Five Vietnamese enterprises signed trade contracts with Chinese enterprises on-site, and numerous Chinese SMEs acquired opportunities for international exchanges through this series of activities.










中国(广东)—越南投资贸易洽谈会吸引了近100家中国各地中小企业与越南企业交流合作计划,5家越南企业和中国企业现场签署了经贸合同,诸多中国中小企业通过系列活动找到对外交流的商机。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

文 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 孙绮曼 许张超 陈泽云

图 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 曾育文

翻译 | 刘佳慧

来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派

责编 | 戚美青

校对 | 彭继业

